Monday, May 3, 2010

GOD and Man

Establish direct contact with God
Just as hands, eyes, ears, nose, etc. are limbs of the body, likewise, human beings are limbs of society. Society is a limb of nature, and nature is a limb of God. Therefore, you can infer that there is an intimate relationship between individual and God.
When inanimate objects like telephones are connected, should there not be a connection between human being and God? The former relationship is artificial in nature, whereas the latter is heart to heart.
There are two types of telephone calls: one, which can be answered by anybody (number call), and the other, which needs to be answered by a specific person (Particular person - PP call) for whom the call is intended. Similarly, your contacts should be directly with God, like the personal call, and not with all and sundry like the number call. If you have the sincere feeling that you want God, then God Himself will come and talk to you. You cannot expect God to respond when you make a “number call”. Number call corresponds to negative thoughts. So, give up negative thoughts and develop positive feelings.

Body, mind, senses, and intellect are all negative in nature. Only the conscience is positive. Just as the mike is useless without the current, so also are the body, mind, senses, and intellect without the conscience.

The conscience that exists in everyone is one and the same, just as the current that flows through different bulbs is the same. All are one, be alike to everyone. So, do not hate, harm, or criticize anybody. He is a noble one who conducts himself without hurting others and himself not being troubled in the process. True spiritual sadhana (spiritual exercise) lies in considering every work as God’s work, not in doing japa or dhyana.

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